War College speaking event.

US War College Calls for Partial Conscription

By Joshua Jongema

The US Army War College’s autumn, quarterly issue Parameters featured a report entitled Lessons from Ukraine for the Armed Forces of the Future. It is the first in a series commissioned one year ago by the US Army Training and Doctrine Command. A small group of scholars were assigned to study the Ukraine-Russia conflict and to report on various areas. The UK has done something similar also. This first report calls for a policy of “partial conscription,” to make up for the losses projected to be incurred if and when the USA engages in full-scale industrial warfare, presumably with Russia. Projected losses in such conflict stand at 3,600 Americans per day, with 800 needed conscripts per day. Anyone interested in averting or avoiding war would do well to learn some relevant history, and to be aware of what scant solutions exist to such problems.

America today reminds me of what I’ve gleaned about Spain pre-WW2. The two major sides in society in Spain about 90 years ago were Republicans and Socialists. The 1931 creation of a Republic was a test of a new model of government, and to break away from monarchy, but the republic was crushed by the forces of fascism that then acted like monarchs. Spain was used by foreign allies and enemies of the fascist General Franco, as a way of testing weapons and equipment for use in impending warfare.

Ukraine today is very similar to Spain 90 years ago and is being used by NATO and the CIA as a test model for new autonomous AI-powered government, Central Bank Digital Currency, the next generation of closed borders, and weapons such as the anti-drone gun produced in Bulgaria.

They are testing equipment such as the medic-less medivac robot which rolls wounded off the battlefield autonomously, and new software such as the Diaa smartphone app capable of monitoring and managing every citizen and turning them into a soldier with one click.

They are testing methods of warfare such as warrantless assassinations of civilian “collaborators” (with things like car bombs or bombs hidden in lamp posts and mailboxes), hyperspeed missiles and defense systems, drone and trench combat, underground combat (this has been studied in theory for years), electronic warfare (including illegal hacking of non-military assets), and lawfare through capture of global and national political, legislative, and judicial organs.

Ukraine is testing the limits of propaganda in the media, and censorship. It has banned political speech by any who are not pro-State and pro-war, including political parties having no connection to Russia, and even an entire religion. Yes, priests are being accused of being spies, and have been arrested in Ukraine. My great-grandparents fled Ukraine before the white revolution, and they often said they feared the KGB would bug their house near Vancouver Canada. They would roll over in their graves if they knew Americans were justifying the repeat of such tyrannical practices today. Just the same, my Cathar ancestors would revolt against such control on the free practice of religion, and my grandfather who was hunted by Nazis in Holland would support my resistance.

These new methods of the state of Ukraine in collaboration with DC and the city of London, demonstrate that a future war will not be one which is friendly to individuality, and marks the return of totalitarianism and the collective mentality. Look at the pressure by western states now on companies to capitulate to the demands of the war machine, and those born yesterday who would boycott any company which doesn’t assist in murderous war. A forced union of all companies with government is the major mark of a fascist nation, and so this slippery slope should be vigilantly observed and warded against. The will of Americans, to survive or to resist this apparently impending tyranny in an ethical and moral way, will decide whether or not America ever again resembles its founding principles.

To use humans as a means to some end, is immoral and unethical. There often is no solution to war, and avoiding problems is natural. So, while this article may not be able to provide a solution for after war breaks out, alerting people to be prepared, in what way they deem necessary, seems the proper course of action. The threat of global war has never been so real as now. Do not panic, but forming a plan to survive and protect loved ones seems pertinent.

In war, there is no further political solution, and so to avert war is imperative for anyone who would refuse to participate in it. Of course, America is not fully at war yet. As we sit on the verge of war, many believe the solution is to vote for one of two Presidential candidates “that can win.” They appear tricked into believing at least one republican and one democrat are anti-war or anti-establishment. They are not, and the evidence for this is mounting and obvious. I propose the libertarian solution is to first practice self-control, and take personal responsibility for your own actions, becoming an individual agent of change in the universe. Support candidates that represent you, rather than representing the investor and donor classes at your expense. Drive local, decentralized solutions for your household, and your town. Reject State and Federal politics, and the control of such administrations over your lives. Find ways to protect yourselves and reject all protection rackets. Find a way to live freely, in spite of the world.

*Article was featured in the October 2023 Michigan Libertarian newsletter.

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