Link to the April 2021 Michigan Libertarian
By Donna Gundle-Krieg
This is the fourth in a series of articles about “How to Get Elected as a Libertarian.” This article focuses on networking, and attending community events.
Being out in front of the public constantly is necessary for any candidate. The sooner a candidate starts this public exposure, the better. People vote for those who they know, like or trust. Therefore, you need every opportunity to let people know who you are, and show voters that you plan to work hard to represent them. They also need to know that they can trust you to make the right decisions.
Networking at Meetings
In a previous article, we talked about the importance of attending your local government meetings and asking questions! Most of these meetings allow public comment. It is very useful to introduce yourself as a candidate during public comment, and also for you to speak intelligently about any relevant issues.
The possibilities for exposure by just attending government meetings are endless. The people who attend and run these meetings are often those who are the most involved, and speak to others.
Going to the meetings for all areas of your local government is very beneficial. For example, if you are running for a Township Trustee, you should go to township meetings as well as board meetings for the various township branches. In my township, these boards include water/sewer; fire department, roads, library and ambulance. You should also go to county meetings, village meetings, committee meetings, etc. Speak out whenever you have the chance and introduce yourself as a candidate!
In addition to government meetings, there are many other opportunities to network. If you are already a member of any organizations, or group: continue to show up, volunteer for projects, and make a point to let people know that you are running.
If you are not a member, contact these organizations and ask if you can visit as a guest. Almost all of these groups have public opportunities to introduce yourself.
Rotary Clubs and similar service clubs are very easy to find. These organizations exist in large cities and tiny towns. Between google and word of mouth, you should be able to find many options.
School events, including school board meetings, can be very valuable for meeting voters. Even school sporting events offer the chance to introduce yourself to new people.
Networking Events
Last but not least: Festivals, fairs, and community events are great networking events. Many of these will offer an opportunity for you to have a booth! If you decide to go this route, make sure you have a large banner or sign, as well as literature to pass out.
The topic next month will be about media campaigns, including social media. I welcome ideas and questions at any time at
Series: How and Why to Get Local Libertarians Elected:
- Libertarians: Start Now to Choose a Winning Race
- Creating Your Campaign Plan
- Networking: Attend Community Events / Government Meetings (this article)
Upcoming Articles:
- Media campaigns including social media
- Political Signs
- Organizing Door to Door Campaigns
- Mailings
- What Happens After You Get Elected? (could possibly be a series of its own!)