The new Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee (LEC). Elected April 13 2019.

Libertarian Executive Committee Makes Important Committee Assignments

Link to June 2019 Michigan Libertarian

By Greg Stempfle

On Sunday, the Libertarian Executive Committee (LEC) selected members of the party to fill several committee assignments and other key positions. These roles will be essential to our success and organization as we move forward into the 2020 campaign season. After a several week search where we reached out to our entire membership, the following selections were made.

Legislative Committee

Brian Ellison was chosen as chair of the Legislative Committee. The purpose of the Legislative Committee, as defined by our bylaws, is to monitor, report on, and advocate for legislation on behalf of the Libertarian Party. Ellison, a resident of Royal Oak, is well known for his strong advocacy for criminal justice reform and police accountability. Members of the Legislative Committee are expected stay abreast of current proposed legislation in specific areas of interest and to determine the libertarian position to support or oppose. Brian can be reached at Other members of the committee selected were Jason Rees, Robin Melcher, Mike Saliba, and Jeff Wood.

Social Media Committee

Connor Nepomuceno was chose to chair the Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) Social Media Committee. The purpose of the Social Media Committee is to ensure that Party news and information, such as newsletter and press release content, is regularly published on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Nepomuceno, of Clarkston, is chair of Oakland County and runs social media for Oakland, Macomb, and the Michigan Chapter of the Mises Caucus. Connor can be reached at Other members of the committee selected were Patty Malowney, Tyler Palmer, Ben Dryke, and Jeff Wood.

Historical Committee

Emily Salvette was chosen to chair the Historical Committee. The purpose of the Historical committee is to collect and maintain historical archives of the LPM and its candidates. Salvette, of Ann Arbor, is our most recent Secretary and former Chair who has been collecting and digitizing party material for years.  Emily can be reached at Other members of the committee selected were Wendi Parker, Scotty Boman, Greg Stempfle, Larry Johnson, Mike Saliba, and Martin Mashon.


Tim Yow was reappointed as LPM Webmaster. The role of the Webmaster is to make sure our website is maintained and updated to support the LPM and its candidates and provide information to the public. Yow, of Southfield, is the current 14th District Representative on the LEC and past Affiliates Director. Tim can be reached at While there is no committee tasked with running our website, several new members of the LEC have agreed to be trained to serve as an assistant webmaster.

No decision was made on the appointment of a press / media coordinator so we will continue to recruit candidates for this position. At their previous meeting on April 28, the LEC appointed Lisa Gioia,, as Membership Committee Chair and Scotty Boman, as Newsletter Editor.

The next LEC meeting is planned for July 14, somewhere in the greater Traverse City area. All meetings of the LEC are available for streaming via zoom video conference.

Link to June 2019 Michigan Libertarian

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