Oakland Co LP Meme. Get ivolved.

Get Involved in Oakland County!

By Greg Stempfle

Link to March 2019 Michigan Libertarian

Want to get involved in the Libertarian Party locally? With the lead up to the 2020 Presidential campaign, we need dedicated activists to help organize our local affiliate so we can make an impact on the upcoming election season. If you live in Oakland County, please attend the Libertarian Party of Oakland County 2019 Convention on March 20 at 7:30 PM at the Rusty Bucket in Bingham Farms. Convention business will include:

1) Selection of delegates to the LPM state convention on April 13 in Bay City.

Oakland is allocated 22 delegates and 22 alternates. Please note that you must be a dues paying member of the Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) by March 14 to be eligible.

2) Election of LPOC officers for the 2019-2020 term.

Officers include the chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, membership director, development director, and communications director. Here is a link to the Libertarian Party of Oakland County (LPOC) bylaws which includes officer descriptions.

LPOC Bylaws: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BEpj3c9D7i1bsIa4oHzJWYMku8WdNoRs

3) Consideration of bylaws changes and resolutions.

Any member of the LPOC may offer proposals and vote.

If you would like to be a delegate to the state convention (or be a county party officer) but cannot attend the county convention, please email LPOC chair Greg Stempfle, gregstempfle@gmail.com, to have your name placed into nomination.

Link to March 2019 Michigan Libertarian

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