Civil libertarians: Michelle Grgoire, Scotty Boman, Gregory Creswell, Adam Heikkila and Jeff Phillips.

Civil Libertarians Protest Whitmer Edicts

Link to the April 2020 Michigan Libertarian

Editors note: The Michigan Civil Liberties Coalition is a non-partisan group of civil libertarians. This was not a Libertarian Party event, but involved some of it’s members.

Lansing, MI – Civil libertarians from all over Michigan converged at the state Capitol Saturday March 28th to express their dismay with Governor Whitmer’s restrictions on peaceful gatherings and the “stay-at-home” order. Individuals and organizations began the protest at 1:00 PM under the umbrella name of Michigan Civil Liberties Coalition.

WLNS reporter Brittany Flowers showed up as did a reporter from an independent news service. The protest was the lead story on the Lansing station’s 6:00 PM News.

Jeff Philips said,

I realize we are dealing with a very serious virus. These restrictions are dismissive of the many thousands of people who, over the years (over our past history), have sacrificed their lives voluntarily to fight for our freedom. If we surrender our freedom, in even this time of fear, then we may save lives now but we will be discounting the lives that were already sacrificed. In the future there are many generations yet to be born who will die from tyranny if we give up our freedom today”

Our rights don’t take sick days

“Our rights don’t take sick days.” Said Scotty Boman, Michigan Director of Our America Initiative. “Certainly we should all do what we can to stay safe and look out for our neighbors, but the existence of a contagious disease should not be exploited to violate basic rights like the right to peaceably assemble or the right of innocent people to leave their homes.”

Republican State Representative candidate Michelle Gregoire said, “I’m here because all tyranny needs to gain a foothold, is for people of good conscience, to remain silent. “I care about people’s health and more people will die from an economic fallout than this virus.”

The Michigan Civil Liberties Coalition was formed to organize people from different parts of Michigan, with varying political backgrounds, to stand together in defense of civil liberties at a time when the state is violating them to an unprecedented degree. The groups description on Facebook says,

We strive to defend everyone’s rights against government encroachments – especially your rights to self expression, assembly, self defense, petition, and due process.

We are NON partisan and not beholden to any politician, only to The People.

The coalition includes Our America Initiative Michigan Grassroots, the committee to elect Michelle Gregoire, Detroit Residents Advancing Civilian Oversight and the Libertarian Party of Wayne County.
Link to the April 2020 Michigan Libertarian

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