Bill Gelineau passes Grandstand at Allegan County Fair Parade. Photo By Mary Buzuma.

Candidate Opportunities And Updates

Link to October 2018 Michigan Libertarian

By Connor Jared Nepomuceno , College Outreach Director

Student Libertarians: This Is A Call To Action!

The 2018 Elections are less than 40 days away, and our candidates want to reach out to you and your classmates. Please let us know if there are any events coming up on your campuses, whether they are political in nature or even just open to the public.  Our candidates would love to have the chance to shake hands and win hearts and minds. Any opportunity for our candidates to get out there and get the message of liberty across can help make this coming election our strongest showing yet!

Please contact our College Outreach Director Connor Jared Nepomuceno on Facebook or by email at

Delta College To Host Candidate Forum

By Richard Diehl III, President, Citizens in Action

University Center, MI  – The Democracy Commitment at Delta College is hosting a “Meet the Candidates” event from 10:00 AM to Noon Tuesday on October 23rd, in the East and West Main Hallways of the campus (961 Delta Road, University Center, MI 48710)

The purpose of this event is to give students the opportunity to meet candidates running at the local, state and federal levels and learn what they stand for in order to be informed in advance of the Michigan November Election.

We invite any local, state or federal candidate of all parties to be on hand for the event.

If you are in contact with a Libertarian candidate running to represent the citizens of Bay, Saginaw, or Midland County please forward this information to them.

Fruitport VFW Post Meet the Candidate Event

By Max Riekse
Lt. Colonel (Ret) Max Riekse, Fruitport Post Commander.

Fruitport Township, MI – On Friday October 19th the Fruitport Post of the VFW will host a candidate forum at 5201 Airline Road, Fruitport Township 49444 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

Candidates from all parties who will be on the November 6th, 2018 ballot are invited to attend. Tables will be available to display campaign materials but may not be hung up or fastened to walls. Yard signs may be displayed out in front of the building starting at 6:00 AM on Friday, October 19th; but must be removed by 8 PM.
To assist the VFW Post in promoting the event, candidates are encouraged to announce their planned attendance on Facebook and/or other social media. The VFW Post plans on publicizing the event through local print media.
POC for the event is Lt. Colonel (Ret) Max Riekse, Fruitport Post Commander at (231) 865-3238. Max is a candidate for Michigan State Senate District 34 which includes the West Michigan counties of Muskegon, Oceana and Newaygo.

League Of Women Voters Of The Grand Haven Area Hosts Forum

Mary Buzum. Candidate for State Senate. Dist. 30
Mary Buzum. Candidate for State Senate. Dist. 30

Grand Haven, MI – The League of Women Voters of the Grand Haven Area will be holding a forum on Tuesday October 9th at the Grand Haven Community Center Mackinaw Room, 421 Columbus, Grand Haven Michigan 49417.  Candidates for the 89th State House and 30th State Senate Districts will be featured.  Please see this flyer for details.

Creswell Steps Up State Rep. Campaign

By Gregory Creswell, State Representative Candidate (Dist. 1)

Detroit, MI – I plan on campaigning in downtown Detroit, on the campus of Wayne State, in Eastern Market on Saturday mornings and on Sundays before Lions’ home games during the tailgating period. Of course, I will also be campaigning in the neighborhoods of Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Harper Woods and the northeastern parts of Detroit. My short but to the point campaign slogan of “our car insurance is too damn high” is an attention grabber for sure and meets with 100% approval. I have also added a second line, “repeal the no-fault law, vote Libertarian.”

To help Gregory, email him at or contribute at:

LeBlanc Goes Offers Contrast To Democratic Opponent at LWV Forum

By Joe LeBlanc, Michigan Senate candidate (Dist. 7)

Livonia, MI – I was pleased to participate in a League of Women Voters candidate forum on September 19th, 2018 at the Livonia City Hall.  Approximately 80 people attended the event, and I was able to quite effectively contrast the” Less Government, More Freedom” position against the Democrat who found no tax increase and no new government program to not be of her liking.   The Republican candidate did not attend.

A video of the event is posted to YouTube at:

Bruce Campbell MSU Board Of Trustees Candidate Profile

As submitted by the candidate to the Detroit Free Press and League of Women’s Voters.

Current Position:  Advocate for the poor, leadership in community.

Education: BA from MSU, post grad work, Paris, France and Lausanne, Switzerland; charter member Justin Morrill College,  Rodney B. Wilson High School, St. Johns, MI.

Campaign Questions:

  1. Describe your qualifications and experience for the University Board and explain your reasons for running. How would you be an asset?

Teacher, social worker postal clerk/ Master 35 yrs.; union treas. & steward 2 yrs.; curriculum adviser 6 yrs.; Downtown Development, chaired subcommittee 1 yr.; advocate for poor (took homeless in) lifetime; fund raiser for charity 15 yrs.; leadership in civic and religious organizations 53 yrs.; various occupations from farm work to assembly, bus driver to lifeguard – managed city pool, reading tutor, working with gifted and talented. With a vast field of experience, being able to listen to all sides, do research and find viable solutions are major reasons for running for Trustee and are valuable assets to this work.  Received Citizen of the week award and Governor’s award for environment improvements.   I have lived overseas and in many areas of MI including Romeo, Bad Axe, St. Johns, Interlochen, Traverse City, Lapeer, Rogers City, Allegan and Alanson.

  1. What recommendations would you propose to make university attendance more affordable and reduce the burden of student financial debt?

Some ideas to help make college education cheaper would include: 1) cut the budget 10% across the board, eliminate duplication; 2) expand work/study program, create with business community apprenticeships, or internships; and 3) allow more credit approval for classes taken at community colleges, AP classes and the 12th high school year (even vocational tech) towards undergraduate courses.

  1. What are the two most pressing issues facing this university today and what is your position on those issues?

MSU Trustees are in the process of hiring a new university president. This person should have varied experience in business and education. This person should be thoroughly vetted and not political. A person who loves to work with students and is available to all with an open door.  Handling future sexual scandals and avoiding “cover-ups” is a major issue that still plagues our school. Policies should be in place and enforced to provide a safe environment for all persons; i.e. zero tolerance for sexual harassment, bullying and hazing. We need to be fiscal responsible, accepting and pro peace.





Link to October 2018 Michigan Libertarian

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