Link to November 2018 Michigan Libertarian
This candidate was selected at a state convention, but a candidate’s views and activities are not necessarily endorsed by the Michigan Libertarian.
Detroit, MI – Michigan Board of Education candidate Scotty Boman has combined local activism with a statewide campaign. Locally he organized a questionnaire and candidate forum to vet Charter Commission candidates. As a statewide candidate he has ventured beyond Southeast Michigan to be interviewed on television and to participate in the only televised debate of Michigan Board of Education candidates.
Candidates from Both Parties Face Off in Meridian Township
Sherri Wells (G) and Scotty Boman (L) traveled to Okemos Michigan to participate in a one hour live televised debate. The debate, hosted by HOM-TV on Comcast channel 21, was the only live televised debate of the Board of Education candidates. All candidates were invited, but only Boman and Wells showed up.
People were invited to call in questions; however, at least one person, Mark Ashley Price, preferred social media.
Wells emphasized the value of Public Education in ensuring a “cohesive” society and argued that it was essential to a functional democracy. Boman contrasted himself with Wells by emphasizing the need to move away from the coercive manner by which public education is funded, calling it “extortion.” Boman also conceded, “I am going to say a couple very unpopular things…” before arguing for the removal of the “Gun-Free zones” from CPL restrictions.
Both Wells and Boman agreed that there was too much centralized control of education and they argued for a decentralized approach. They also spoke disparagingly of common core; Wells because it was a manifestation of corporate control and Boman because it was a manifestation of big government. Boman acknowledged the corporate component calling it “crapitalism or crony capitalism.”
The Debate follows half hour interviews with these candidates and others including Libertarian John Tatar.
Detroit Charter Commission Candidates Face Off At DRACO Forum
Closer to home, Boman continued his fight to preserve civilian oversight of the Detroit Police Department as founder and spokesperson of Detroit Residents Advancing Civilian Oversight (DRACO). They presented a Candidate Forum Sunday, October 14th in the gymnasium of the Samaritan Center on Detroit’s East-side. Ten candidates participated on the panel and about thirty people attended.
The moderator was WMKM 1440 AM “Stand Up Now!” host Cynthia A. Johnson.
The Charter Revision is the equivalent of a Constitutional Convention for the City of Detroit, yet most Detroiters knew very little about the candidates. This forum was a chance to learn about them. The emphasis was on how they envision the future of the Police Commission (If there is to be one), but questions were asked by the audience on a variety of topics related to revising the Charter.
Boman had previously campaigned against passage of the Charter Revision and petitioned for a recount when it appeared to pass by less than 184 votes. After failing to nullify the election results via the recount he filed a complaint with the Attorney General. The complaint was rejected by the attorney general and may now be addressed in circuit court.