Link to the January 2022 Michigan Libertarian
Editors note: This article is about a resolution passed by an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, it’s officers, committees, or any other affiliates. The Michigan Libertarian will publish properly submitted articles submitted by any of it’s affiliates.
Dearborn, MI – On December 8th 2021 the Libertarian Party of Wayne County held their monthly meeting at Habib’s Cuisine. They unanimously passed the following resolution.
Resolution Calling for Reinstatement of the Rightful LNC Secretary
Whereas National Convention Delegates travel to national conventions at great expense;Whereas one of the reasons they do this is to elect new Libertarian National Committee (LNC) officers; andWhereas the current LNC has usurped the will of said delegates by purging elected Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos from the LNC; now, therefore, be itResolved that we the Libertarian Party of Wayne County (Michigan) demand the immediate reinstatement of Caryn Ann Harlos to the office of Secretary of the LNC.