Leonard Schwartz will match the first $100,000 of Contributions to his campaign. Image by Scotty Boman & Linda Moore

Update! Leonard Schwartz Will Match Contributions up to $100,000

Link to the June Michigan Libertarian

by Leonard Schwartz, LPM candidate for Congressional district 11

Editor’s note: This article has been submitted by a candidate seeking the Libertarian Party nomination through the primary system. The Michigan Libertarian provides equal access to any Libertarian Party of Michigan member who is seeking the nomination through this process without endorsing one candidate over another, or the candidates views.

This is an update on an article from the April issue of the Michigan Libertarian.

I’m Leonard Schwartz and I’m running in Congressional district 11 because it will be easiest. In 2016 the Republican incumbent won with only 53% of the vote. He is not running for reelection. Six Democrats and six Republicans are running in the August 7 primary. Their battle in the primary will weaken the two survivors’ ability to win in November. With your help, I can be the first Libertarian elected to Congress.

I plan to start advertising soon after the August 7 primary. I must pay for ads in advance. Please visit www.LeonardSchwartz.us and make a generous contribution. I will match contributions dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000.

My website now accepts online contributions. If you want to save me credit card processing fees, use the mail-in contribution form instead.

I also seek volunteers to hand out my campaign flier at parades, concerts in the park, and other events.

To pick up my fliers, please come to the LP Oakland County meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. Meetings start at 7:30. Meetings are now held at the National Coney Island on the northeast corner of 12 Mile and Main in Royal Oak.

If you want to volunteer, but can’t come to a meeting, contact me: Leonard@LeonardSchwartz.us.

Link to the June Michigan Libertarian

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