PRESS RELEASE – for immediate issue- August 25, 2016
Members of the Michigan Libertarian Party plan on attending the annual Michigan Pride event this weekend to show their support and reach out to those in the community who feel neglected by both major party presidential candidates this year. Unlike the two major parties, the Libertarian Party has supported LGBT rights since its founding in 1971.
Along with equal rights for the LGBT community, the freedom to marry the person of your choice has been supported by libertarians for decades. Their position is that the government has no legal or moral authority to decide who qualifies as your legal partner. This extends to any other spousal benefits conferred by the state, such as health insurance, family visitation and the right to adopt children.
A core value Libertarians hold is the right to live your life as you choose, as long as that does not interfere with the rights of others. We learned these things in kindergarten; don’t start fights or take other peoples’ stuff. These important basic principles of nonaggression are included in the Libertarian Party platform.
The Michigan Libertarian Party salutes the nonprofit Michigan Pride for its long term commitment to civil rights for everyone regardless of gender. Despite the perception of unique individual differences, in the end we are all Homo Sapiens.
Bill Gelineau, Chair
Libertarian Party of Michigan