Straw Poll & Delegate Special Convention


The Libertarian Party of Michigan is Happy to announce our Presidential Straw Poll and National Delegate Selection combination event.

Thank you for attending the Straw Poll on March 19th, 2016 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Berkley, Michigan.  The even was nicely attended by members and visitors a like.

The Straw Poll

Our members cast their “votes”. The candidate present that was registered in time had given his formal presentation and everyone else had time to talk to the crowds. Donations reached to over $8,000.00 for the candidate campaigns. Each dollar donated toward a candidate’s campaign counted for one vote.  Straw Poll formal results announcements will be coming out shortly will be sent to the LP News, published on social media and in the LPM newsletter.

The Committee counted the money, in the form of cash, checks, credit card charges or other forms of payment. Pledges did not count – we must have reasonable evidence of actual payment.  All donations to the campaigns are, of course, the candidates’ to keep….AND the LP of Michigan expects each candidate to be solely responsible for making sure any donations are solicited and handled in accordance with applicable law. We counted all the “votes”, but immediately turn any donations over to the individual campaigns.

Thank you to all the Presidential Candidates that participated in person or through representation.

Candidates Attended:

We now have 6 campaigns committed to participate in the Straw Poll event:

In person speaker:

Represented by members / staff:

Appearance by Bart Lower who entered the race to late to participate in the event itself.

The Straw Poll began at 11AM and lasted until around 2PM.

Straw Poll Results:

  • 1st:  Gary Johnson $5,650
  • 2nd:  Austin Petersen $1,415
  • 3rd:  Darryl Perry $616.04
  • 4th:  Marc Feldman $575
  • 5th: John McAfee $230
  • 6th: Joy Waymire $60

For those that attended and paid for the Straw Poll please contact us and or 888-FREE-NOW and we’ll get you the information on the special discount for the State Convention – remember you have until March 26, 2016.

Please note that anyone in attendance to the the Straw Poll Section of the day will have an opportunity for special discount to the State Convention on May 14th, 2016 at the Radisson Hotel in Downtown Lansing, MI – The discount is equivelant to the Early Ticket Pricing for the Straw Poll, so this event is a bonus!

The National Delegate Special Convention

After the Straw Poll concluded we elected 24 delegates and 2 alternates to the Libertarian National Convention being held in Orlando Florida (see below to sign up).  The first seat gaurenteed to the current party chair has been left open at this time as our convention takes place before the national convention.  As Michigan will be seating 25 delegates and have 50 alternate seats, we will be taking additional nominations for alternates at the state convention – for anyone that would like to be considered join now.

This year at national we will not only be electing a new National Board but we have the opportunity to vote for our candidate for President of the United States.  We have 2 state members appointed to committees Emily Salvette – Credentials, and JJ McCurry – Convention.  And as one of the states in the top ten national member count we also have Jim Fulner representing us to the National Platform Committee appointed by your state LEC. We hope that many of our members will be interested in attending.

The convention opened at 2:30PM and concluded at 3:40PM

While the delegate votes were counted we heard from 3 members interested in receiving the National Region 3 nomination and votes.

The following will be representing us at the National Convention as delegates and alternates.  Please remember there are still alternate positions available to be filled at the State Convention.


JJ McCurry
Mary Buzuma
Greg Creswell
Kimberly M
James Hudler
Kennth Proctor
Emily Salvette
Leonard Schwartz

Bill Hall
Scott B
Andrew Hall
Bob Broda
Jay Gillotte
Vicki Hall
Larry Johnson
Will White
Loel Gnadt
Griffin Hall

John Jascob
Diane Bostow
Jim Fulner
Christopher Mabie
Dan Goebel
David Haglund


Greg Stempfle
Erwin Haas

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