By Scotty Boman, Editor
Link to the April Michigan Libertarian.
Editor’s note: This article concerns a candidate seeking the Libertarian Party nomination through the primary system. The Michigan Libertarian provides fair coverage of any Libertarian Party of Michigan member who is seeking the nomination through this process without endorsing one candidate over another, or the candidate’s views.
Libertarian state representative candidate, Brian Wright, has embarked on a campaign to establish independent grand juries which he believes will serve to “uphold the people’s first principles against corrupt government.” In a recent announcement Wright proclaims, “I aim to make it a cornerstone of my standing as a public party Libertarian for 38th District State House this year. The people need to take charge and clean up terminally corrupt government at all levels, and independent grand juries are the means to do so.”
This isn’t the first time Wright has been vocal on this issue. In 2014 he introduced a resolution at the Libertarian Party of Michigan State Convention that passed without opposition:
“The LPM supports the re-invigoration and reassertion of the people’s ultimate authority—at local, state, and federal levels—to investigate and bring indictments of government corruption and crimes through statutory empanelment of grand juries.”
Wright has written several books, and intends to detail his views on what he calls, “sitting people’s independent grand juries” in a book entitled, “The Accountability Project.” He has published some details of his plan on his personal blog, The Coffee Coaster.
Wright is a founding member of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. He received the 2010 Producer of Liberty Award for his contribution as Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.