Michigan Capitol Building

State Party Supports No Fault Insurance Reform

For Immediate Release

The Libertarian Party of Michigan enters the fray to reform No Fault and challenge special interest groups that have been undermining voters for decades.

October 16, 2017

CONTACT:  Libertarian Party of Michigan No Fault Reform Spokesperson Paul Connolly, (248) 494-6086, dist11rep@michiganlp.org, or Libertarian Party of Michigan Chair Bill Hall, (616) 460-9516, chair@michiganlp.org

Lansing, MI – As special interest groups descend upon Lansing to oppose House Bill 5013, which would reform Michigan’s Auto No Fault Law, the Libertarian Party of Michigan is taking action to support this multi-partisan legislation.  Although this bill is not perfect, it is a clear step in the right direction and could provide long overdue financial relief for Michigan drivers.

As a newly-recognized major political party in Michigan, Libertarians want to tip the scales in favor of the voters, rather than the special interest groups that have contributed millions of dollars to the campaigns of Republican and Democratic state lawmakers to prevent any type of reform.  Despite overwhelming support from the public to enact measures that could reduce auto insurance premiums, the Michigan legislature has ignored the wishes of their constituents for decades as they’ve served the will of lobbyists and political action committees.

The Libertarian Party is determined to let the voice of the people be heard.  We encourage any voter who will no longer tolerate unaffordable auto insurance to object by sending a copy of their insurance bill to any legislator standing in opposition to reform.    While many opponents of this bill will argue that No Fault in its current form is the best insurance coverage in the country, the Libertarian Party contends that this bill is a reasonable compromise.  HB 5013 does not eliminate the benefit of unlimited personal injury protection.  It allows consumers to determine if that option is too expensive or unnecessarily excessive, considering their current medical coverage.  It is a core belief of the Libertarian Party that people should have the freedom to make decisions about their own lives, and not be forced by government.  House Bill 5013 would, for the first time in 40 years, allow Michigan drivers the freedom to choose the best level of insurance coverage for them.

With auto insurance premiums continuing to skyrocket, we ask Michigan voters to exercise their right to demand change by holding their elected officials accountable.  If House Bill 5013 is not passed, the Libertarian Party of Michigan intends to offer voters a candidate to challenge every incumbent who voted against No Fault reform.  As the Libertarian Party continues to gain support, voters can trust that our candidates will keep their Libertarian Promise to Michigan to act on behalf of the people rather than the political establishment that has long been serving the will of special interests.

On the issue of No Fault reform, the Libertarian Party is drawing a line in the sand because we believe that people should be empowered to make decisions for themselves.  No longer will we sit on the sidelines while Democrats and Republicans allow lobbyists to burden Michigan drivers with some of the highest auto insurance premiums in the nation.

To contact your legislators, visit www.legislature.mi.gov.  To learn more about the Libertarian Party of Michigan, visit www.michiganlp.org.



The Libertarian Party of Michigan, PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; www.michiganlp.org, Phone: 1-888.FREE.NOW. Paid for with regulated funds by the Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee, Inc. d/b/a the Libertarian Party of Michigan. Not authorized by any candidate.

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