By Bill Hall, Chair
Link to the March Michigan Libertarian.
Spring is almost here, and the political climate is heating up! Over the next few months, there are many things we can do to support the Libertarian Party of Michigan and its candidates in their mission to promote personal liberty and responsibility:
- Come talk and celebrate with a crowd of Libertarians at the Michigan Libertarian Summit on March 10 near East Lansing. Sign up now at
- Run for delegate to the Libertarian Party National Convention in New Orleans, July 1-3, 2018. Delegates will be selected at the afternoon state convention business session at the Michigan Libertarian Summit.
- Attend the morning candidate workshops and lunch prior to the convention on March 10, to become a better candidate or learn how to assist your favorite candidate’s campaign.
- Attend the evening LibertyFest banquet on March 10 to help celebrate our libertarian heroes. Our featured speaker is Libertarian State Senator Laura Ebke of Nebraska. Help thank Senator Ebke for her visit by bringing and donating first class postage stamps for use in her re-election campaign.
- By the April 24 deadline, complete and file the paperwork to run for a Libertarian Party nomination for public office in the August 7 primary election. State legislative and county offices require a refundable $100 filing fee, while federal offices, governor and township offices require petition signatures.
- By the May 8 deadline, complete and file the paperwork to run for Libertarian Party precinct delegate in your precinct. Every LPM member should run for precinct delegate to make sure true Libertarians are the ones controlling our Party following the August primary. Running costs nothing, there are no campaign finance forms to file, and you can run for public office too!
- Volunteer to manage or help the campaign of an announced candidate. We have candidates for Governor, US Senate, Congress and state legislature who would greatly appreciate your help and support.
For details on how to accomplish many of these important tasks, read the articles in this newsletter, and visit your local affiliate meetings.