Nebraska State Senator Laura Ebke

Sign Up Today for the Michigan Libertarian Summit

Link to the March Michigan Libertarian.

Libertarians from across Michigan will assemble for a three-in-one Michigan Libertarian Summit on Saturday, March 10, 2018. We will be gathering in the beautiful meeting facilities at the Eagle Eye Golf Course, 15500 Chandler Road, Bath, Michigan (near East Lansing). Sign up today at The venue has requested our meal reservations by February 28 at noon, so sign up today at

Valuable Campaign Training

The morning will feature an intensive and valuable series of candidate and campaign workshops, starting at 9 a.m. and lasting until 2 p.m. If you plan to run as a candidate or volunteer for a campaign, don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your campaign skills and network with other activists eager to run for office and assist campaigns. Senator Laura Ebke will assist at the campaign workshops. A professional photographer will take candidate portraits. At lunch you will have the opportunity to hear short stump speeches from a variety of the candidates who participated in the workshops.

Convention Business Session – Free to LPM Members

The convention business session for elected delegates and alternates will start at 2 p.m. with short speeches from visiting Libertarian Party personalities. Joe Hauptmann, candidate for Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, and Elizabeth Van Horn, Michigan’s (Region 3) representative to the LNC plan to attend. Libertarian Party of Michigan officers will report. The convention will elect 36 delegates, plus alternates, to represent the Libertarian Party of Michigan at the Libertarian Party National Convention in New Orleans, July 1-3, 2018. If you cannot attend the convention, but are an LPM member and would like to have your name listed on the national delegate ballot, please advise LPM Secretary Emily Salvette at The convention may also pre-endorse candidates for Attorney General, Secretary of State and/or Justice of the Supreme Court to be formally nominated at the fall convention, and may adopt resolutions. A meeting of the LPM’s executive committee will follow the convention.

And our Annual LibertyFest Banquet, Featuring Libertarian State Senator Laura Ebke

A cocktail reception will precede the LPM’s annual LibertyFest banquet, which will start at 6 pm and offer a meal buffet and cash bar. At the banquet, we will present Defender of Liberty awards to our Spokesperson for Liberty, Promoter of Liberty and Producer of Liberty.

You won’t want to miss our featured speaker Nebraska State Senator Laura Ebke. In June, 2016, she left the Republican Party to become a Libertarian. At the time, she told the Omaha World-Herald “I got frustrated with some of my colleagues who don’t recognize civil liberties and don’t seem to agree with getting government out of people’s business.” Since then, she’s continued as an important member of Nebraska’s unicameral “nonpartisan” legislature, serving as chair of its Judiciary Committee. This will be a great opportunity to hear her experiences as an elected Libertarian State Senator.

Convention Package Pricing:

Silver Package: $85. Includes Campaign Training Materials, Convention Packet, Lunch, and the Banquet, plus a limited edition button and priority seating for the speech and buffet.

Bronze Package: $75. Includes Campaign Training Materials, Convention Packet, Lunch, and the Banquet.

If you cannot attend the entire program, we are offering the following a la carte registrations:

  • Banquet: $55
  • Banquet Speaker only: $10
  • Campaign Training Materials: $10
  • Convention Packet: $10
  • Lunch: $20
  • Lunch with Campaign Training Materials and Convention Packet: $25
  • Vendor Table: $25

Our Deadline to submit Meal Reservations to the venue is February 28 at noon, so sign up today!

While the venue has promised some flexibility, it will not accept meal reservations any later than March 5 at noon. If you sign up for a meal after February 28, but the venue won’t accept your reservation, we will refund the a la carte price of the meal. Sign up at, or mail your registration check to Libertarian Party of Michigan, P.O. Box 3685, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49501-3685.

If you have any questions, please email

Link to the March Michigan Libertarian.

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