Political Economy: From cover of "Discours sur l'oeconomie politique" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Shifting America’s Political Economy

By Joshua Jongema

Political Economy is the intersection of politics, economics, and people in society. It is how economics works when applied in real life using government (violence). American society is dominated by two teams that are the same team, and so represents Monopoly. If the LP were successful in becoming a major party, America could represent an Oligopoly, which would at least increase liberty and give justice a fighting chance. On the other hand, no group’s rule is legitimate and peaceful people should be left alone. The solution to the problems of violence and government is to remove government from the equation, and to spread power out in America again, to buy society time before the centralization of power once again threatens every human life on earth.

Taking a lesson from Economics 101, Perfect Competition involves a standardized product, Imperfect Competition involves several firms marketing their similar products as distinguished, and a Monopoly is a firm which has total control over a resource or product. It is important to understand that a situation of Perfect Competition is far superior to a situation of a Monopoly. The following video explains how in economics language, but a short summary is below.

Video comparing economics of perfect competition and monopoly.

In simpler terms, the video states that Firms (a business, org, or govt, etc.) which exist in a market with conditions of Perfect Competition, are far superior for both producers and consumers, in every way. As the video states, a Monopoly:
• Loses Consumer Surplus
• Loses Producer Surplus
• Has Dead Weight
• Produces Less Quantity
• Charges Higher Prices
• Is Never as Productively Efficient
• Is Never as Allocatively Efficient

Thus, a Monopoly always has a negative impact on all of society. An Oligopoly is said to be a thing of balance and could be achieved in politics through the promotion of one or more third parties.

Description of an Oligopoly
Description of an Oligopoly

Reducing the Monopoly of political parties- which are two sides of the same coin- into the form of a balanced Oligopoly is a nice dream but may be impossible. Besides, no Oligopoly is deserving of rule either. Individuals should be free of force and coercion so long as they aren’t hurting anyone or stealing their property. Of course, “should be” and “is,” are two different things. So, what is the pragmatic solution to the compounded problem of violence and government?

As humanity appears to work out, politically and legally, how to reduce conflict it only seems to increase. Rather than judicial oversight limiting centralized executive power, it is being gathered faster than it ever has in history, and the legislature is filled with yes men. There is a vacuum at the top, and I dare you to name the enemy of liberty, and justice for all, accurately. It is the centralized power of national and now global government that is destroying the sovereignty of American citizens and all individuals on earth. To salvage this, Americans cannot simply embrace third parties, though they should do that too.

America is experiencing an impact to its culture and a violent backlash is being fostered in the Left, which is used as the shield of the State itself against the dissenting Right. Often it is the other way around, but if you wait long enough the pendulum will swing again, and again. As groups pushed to the brink grow more fearful of each other, this nation is a tinderbox waiting to explode. If it doesn’t burst into flames, it will be because of the many who refused to commit violence out of fear; those who stood fast, held their hand still, planted their feet, and patiently weathered the storm. The culture war will be won when people stop fighting it- not when they fight harder. War cannot be won with more war. Fire cannot quench fire.

“Be like water, my friends.” (Bruce Lee)

The solution to violent government for individuals is personal empowerment and accountability. Without power, people live in fear, and appeal to the powerful like peasants to kings. By taking power over their own lives back, individuals can overflow with energy, and will have enough left for working to fix society.

American society needs multiple third parties to bring the duopoly to some balance. So, the solution for society is to vote for any third party, so long as no vote is cast for the Democrats or Republicans. Vote Libertarian Party, because it is the only anti-war party, and the only party dedicated to restoring individuals’ liberty, and justice for all.

*Article was featured in the November 2023 Michigan Libertarian newsletter.

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