Vape flavors at Wild Wild West Tobacco in Boyne City, MI. Photo by Robin TaChoir.

Resolution Condemns War On Flavor

Link to the October 2019 Michigan Libertarian

By Scotty Boman, Editor

Cadillac, MI – The Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Michigan voted in support of the following resolution regarding Governor Whitmer’s flavor ban at their meeting on Sunday September eighth:

Whereas, The Libertarian Party of Michigan believes in the bodily autonomy of individuals, and therefore rejects the power of the state to interfere in the lives and activities of peaceful people,

Whereas, cars, sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and non-flavored vaping products are still legal, we, The Libertarian Party of Michigan, contest the ban on flavored e-cigarette products.

We further assert, history has shown prohibition does not work, and the pretext of a public health emergency promotes ever increasing State power,

Additionally, legislating by executive order is a direct violation of the separation of powers, and a violation of the due process to which all are entitled.

Let It Be Resolved, That the ban on flavored e-cigarette products is not only a needless endeavor, but a clear violation of the individual rights of the people of Michigan, and should be overturned, posthaste.

The resolution is a response to an edict imposed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer on September 4th.  It calls for an end to the sale of flavored vaping products to adults in Michigan.  The order also seeks to censor statements about vaping that the Governor disapproves of.

Flavor ban not a law

The ban is not a law or an executive order.  It is an administrative rule.  The legislature empowered agencies to impose temporary rules in an emergency.  The Governor has not clearly explained how the availability of flavors, that the Governor finds distasteful, constitutes an emergency.

She cites health concerns, but the ban only affects flavors, not harmful chemicals or nicotine.  She also indicates the edict is to prevent use by minors, but the ban only effects adults. It is already illegal for minors to purchase vaping products.

Protest Scheduled

Opponents of the ban have scheduled a protest for September 27th at the Michigan Capitol from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Check back at this post for updates.

Link to the October 2019 Michigan Libertarian

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