Link to August 2019 Michigan Libertarian
By Donna Gundle-Krieg, NWMLP Chair
Cadillac, MI – Liberty lovers across Michigan: save the date for this family friendly event in beautiful Northwest Michigan!
All are welcome to join the Northwest Michigan Libertarians (NWMLP) for an end of summer barbecue and Meet and Greet.
Bring the kids to swim and play while you meet local, state, and national candidates hoping to run as Libertarians in 2020, including Presidential candidate Kim Ruff. You will also have the opportunity to meet local party leaders.
When and Where to Find the NWMLP
When? Sunday, September 8th around noon. We will have more details about times, but this is basically an informal meet and greet.
Where? Kenwood Heritage Park, 2506 North Blvd, Cadillac, MI 49601
We hope for the biggest pavilion which is across the street from the beach. It is near the restrooms, playground, and grills.
Camping and Food
NOTE: There is also a campground at the park, and nearby motel prices become reasonable after Labor Day.
We will provide hot dogs, chips and lemonade. We welcome extra grills, charcoal, dishes to pass and/or cash donations.
For questions email