Note from Chair on Latest News of Candidates

From the Chair, August 2013 Newsletter

Ah the “dog days” of summer. That sultry part of the season when Sirius, the Dog Star, rises at the same time as the sun. It’s also described as a period marked by lethargy, inactivity or laziness. But not for the LPM. We’ve been busy!

I’d like to welcome our new media director, Heather Richards-Wodrich. A former journalist (news anchor/reporter/news director/producer in tv, radio, newspaper, web) she spent the better part of 25 years in news in the South Bend, Indiana Metro area. Heather and her husband relocated to Michigan in 2010 and currently reside in Kentwood. I’d also like to welcome back Leonard Schwartz as our new Political Director. A long-time member of the LPM, Leonard has run for political office several times as well as provided candidate training materials and candidate training sessions. More important he is very familiar with election law.

A big thanks goes out to Jim Fulner for contacting Leonard and convincing him that his Party needs him one more time. The following campaigns are hot:

  • At a special convention last Saturday (Jul 27), the LPM nominated Pat Clawson as the Libertarian candidate for the 49th District of the Michigan State House special election on Nov 5, 2013.
  • Scotty Boman, Detroit City Clerk (Primary Aug 6)
  • Michael Brennan, Livingston County County Commissioner District 5 (Special Election Aug 6)
  • William Wenzel, Kentwood City Commission Ward 1(Primary Aug 6) and Erwin Haas, Kentwood City Commission Ward 2 (General Election Nov 5).

Last I’d like to thank the Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County for sponsoring another successful outreach booth at the Ann Arbor Art Fair. The heat was brutal, the liberals and socialists annoying, but it was gratifying to meet those who stopped by to just chat, take the quiz, sign our register, or just throw a few bucks in the donation jar to thank us for fighting the good fight.

In liberty, Mary

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