News Release: Rogers vs. Lewis: the Simple and Stark Truth

Rogers vs. Lewis: the Simple and Stark Truth
For Immediate Release

A vote for James Lewis is a vote for your voice, for Michigan
(Brighton, Mich.) – Summing up the difference between incumbent Bill Rogers and challenger James Lewis is simple, according to Lewis’ campaign manager: “Rogers plays for big money and special interest; our candidate [Lewis] is in it for the people. That’s the clearest way we can say it.”

“Our government has lost sight of the fact that we are the United States of America,” says Lewis campaign manager Steve Mace. “We are a union of autonomous states, not a central government in Washington. Our state legislature, under the so-called leadership of incumbents like Bill Rogers, has allowed Washington to slowly erode our rights and take power away from Michiganders over decisions about our state.”
Voting for Bill Rogers is tantamount to voting for continued erosion of our state’s ability to govern itself, and further disregard for our state’s Constitution, asserts the Lewis campaign. It is a vote for “pay to play” politics so big companies get special treatment under the law, and big politicians get to fatten their campaign coffers. These assertions are supported by legislation voted for by Rogers that shifted taxes to elderly state residents away from big business, and allows special interests in the insurance industry and others to influence legislation that limits choices for state residents.

“Voting for Bill Rogers is a vote to give away more of our autonomy. The incumbent is satisfied with the status quo, and quite happy to appease party interests over his constituents. Bill Rogers will not protect Michigan’s rights on the national stage, and will not protect your rights if they conflict with the money stream,” says Mace.

Lewis vows to represent the voice of the people of his district, disregarding party politics and special interests. He promises to introduce legislation that will eliminate the non-homestead property tax that makes investing in real estate more difficult in this state. He has already refused PAC and special interest money, and will continue to do so once elected. He will bring parents and taxpayers back into the discussion on education, instead of supporting the expanded P-20 education plan favored by his opponent. And he vows, above all else, to uphold the state’s Constitution and the rights of its citizens.
“I am fully prepared to tell special interests “no way,” says Lewis. “I will not be a part of the current pay-to-play legislation landscape. I will fight to lower property taxes, and I will go to the mat for small businesses.”

The Lewis campaign says now is the time to send a message to Lansing, and elect a candidate who will truly represent the voice of his constituents.  A vote for James Lewis is a vote for having your own voice in the House of Representatives, not just another representative who will put a party before the best interests of the District. A vote for Lewis means voting for a man who will call on the House of Representatives to fight for Michigan’s autonomy and fight to protect Michigan’s rights under the Tenth Amendment.

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