Libertarian Party of Michigan Supports Recall Efforts
Bill Hall
Libertarian Party of Michigan
Supports Recall Efforts
CONTACT: LPM Chair Bill Hall 616-460-9516 or Media Coordinator Mark Norrod 616-902-0086
The Libertarian Party of Michigan strongly supports the recall of Michigan legislators who recently voted for massive increases in State sales and income taxes. Chairman Bill Hall said the recall efforts will “help stop the Republicans and Democrats, and the special interests they represent, from looting Michigan voters.”
Recently, the Michigan Taxpayers Association announced plans to recall 10 state legislators, five Republicans and five Democrats, who voted to raise taxes. The Libertarian Party supports those efforts.
The budget passed on October 1 included a 12% income tax increase and an expansion of the 6% sales tax to many services. These increases come less than 3 months before the start of the new Michigan Business Tax, which also increased taxes, as it replaced a Single Business Tax scheduled to disappear entirely.
“Thousands of Michigan citizens are losing their jobs; thousands are losing their homes; and thousands are leaving the state. Raising taxes will not help them, it will only hurt them,” Hall noted. “This is not what the voters expected last November. We agree 100% with the recall effort, and expect Libertarian activists across the State to take leading roles in the recall efforts.”