News Release: Lewis “Clear Winner” in PHWL All-Candidates Forum

Lewis “Clear Winner” in PHWL All-Candidates Forum: Rogers Didn’t Like the Questions
October 10, 2012 By Campaign Staff Leave a Comment

For Immediate Release

Lewis message of putting the People back in control of government appealing to district business owners and voters, Rogers’ message of maintaining status quo and party first policies falls short

(Brighton, Mich.)—After being excluded from one local candidates’ forum, James H. Lewis (running for State Rep in Michigan’s 42nd district) had a seat at the table during this week’s Candidate’s Forum sponsored by the Pinckney-Hamburg-Whitmore Lake Chamber of Commerce. And according to some attendees, Lewis clearly won the event.

“His [Lewis’] comments were insightful and spot on,” said Sandi Maki, a Brighton area business owner. “Unlike Rogers [incumbent Bill Rogers-R], James’ ideas made sense and went way beyond the usual party line rhetoric. He offered specific ideas that could work, and not the same old predictable policy bullet points.”

In his opening remarks, Chamber Vice President and event moderator Rick Beaudin made it clear that, in this forum, ALL candidates on the ballot in contested races were invited to participate, not just the candidates representing the Republicans and Democrats. Incumbent Bill Rogers had a few words of his own for Beaudin, stating that it was unusual for the moderator to also be the one holding the questions.

Lewis was happy to answer all questions posed, and his ideas centered on seeking answers from private sector best practices in overcoming current budget challenges. For example, when asked about the state’s tax code, Lewis referred to the current ineffective “shell game” of moving money from one place, in the form of tax cuts, to another place, in the form of new benefits.

James Lewis with wife Renee at PHWL candidate forum/debate — Incumbent Bill Rogers appears in background (on right)

“Simplify the tax code, for everybody,” said Lewis. “Not just for the middle class, or the business class, not just for the poorest or the richest. We need a simplified tax code, across the board.”

Regarding several bills pending in the house covering women’s health issues, Lewis was clear: “The mother needs to have the best choices available. If you restrict her choices to care, no matter no matter how that is, you are doing her a disservice.” Lewis continued, “The Constitution guarantees you the right to be safe in your person. Any law that impedes that right, that’s a law I have a problem with.”

The attendees seemed engaged and interested, and many approached Lewis after the event to learn more about his ideas. His sentiments echoed the concerns of many attendees, that the Republicans and Democrats go back and forth with tired old battles, and never solve the real issues of governmental over-reach.

“Third party candidates nationwide are struggling to be included in debates, and Lewis has faced huge challenges in the 42nd District,” says Campaign to Elect James Lewis manager Steve Mace. “Not surprisingly, the parties in power (Republicans and Democrats) want to keep a lock on their self-imposed authority, and are afraid to expose voters to solutions that would shift the power back to the people of this state, where it rightfully belongs. The people are craving this kind of information, and we appreciate the opportunity to bring the people of Michigan, not the parties, back to the table.”

Lewis, who ran against Rogers previously in 2010, has been gaining exposure and momentum in this election cycle, as voters realize in increasing numbers that the old way of government is just not working.

“Government, the way our founding fathers created it, exists to protect our sovereignty as a nation and to protect the sovereign rights of its people,” explained Lewis after the event. “That’s it. We have given away those rights, bit by bit, every time we’ve allowed the government to control more and more aspects of our lives and businesses.”

Lewis has also been invited to the candidates’ forum sponsored by the Home Builders Association of Livingston County, to be held on October 24th at Memories Lounge in Brighton.

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