The 2020 LPM Nominating Convention will be in Gaylord.

Moving Forward with 2020 Libertarian Conventions

Link to the May 2020 Michigan Libertarian

LEC seeking volunteers for 2020 LPM Platform Committee

Greg Stempfle, Chair

At the July 18 2020 Libertarian Party of Michigan state convention in Gaylord, delegates will get the opportunity to make changes to the LPM Platform. The Libertarian Executive Committee will select members of the state party to serve on the platform committee at its May 17 video conference meeting. If you are interesting in serving on or even chairing the 2020 LPM Platform Committee, please attend the video conference if possible or send a statement in support of your nomination to our Secretary, Wendi Parker, and Chair, Greg Stempfle, by May 15.

The current platform of the Libertarian Party of Michigan can be found here:

The delegates will also nominate Libertarian candidates for the 2020 general election. Offices on the ballot include; US Senate, Congress, State House, Justice of the Supreme Court, State Board of Education, the three public university boards, and Electoral College delegates. County, township, and village candidates may also be nominated. More details will follow in the June issue of the Michigan Libertarian.  Current plans at this venue are contingent on the status of COVID-19 related restrictions.

LNC Postpones Convention. New Date and Venue TBD

By Scotty Boman, Editor

Cyberspace, USA – On May 2nd the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) met in teleconference, via Zoom, to decide on the fate of the 2020 Presidential Nominating Convention. The original venue in Austin Texas already cancelled reservations for the event, as well as room reservations for hotel guests. The LNC voted to postpone the event to a later date that would be no later than July 15th.  This date limit will ensure that we will know who our Presidential nominee will be when we meet for the Libertarian Party of Michigan state convention in Gaylord. This important because all paperwork for state-wide and trans-county candidates must be delivered to the Secretary of State office on the following business day.

The LNC adjourned the meeting until May 9th at Noon EDT. On that date the Convention Committee will present their proposals for an alternative date and venue, and the LNC will vote their preference.

Congressman Justin Amash Joins the Libertarian Party, Seeks Nomination

By Scotty Boman, Editor

Grand Rapids, MI – Congressman Justin Amash has joined the Libertarian Party. The announcement has received significant coverage in the mainstream media.  Also, Reason magazine erroneously announced this with the headline, “Justin Amash Becomes the First Libertarian Member of Congress.” At least one other Libertarian Party member beat him there: Ron Paul.  In a 2008 article, also in Reason, Paul is quoted as saying, “I remain a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and I’m a ten-term Republican Congressman.  It is not against the law to participate in more than one political party.”

The Washington Times and Fox News replicated Reason’s error.

Amash coupled the party switch with a commitment to seek the Libertarian Party nomination for President. Also running are Adam Kokesh, Arvin Vohra, Brian Ellison, Daniel Behrman, Erik Gerhardt, Jacob Hornberger, James Ogle, James P. Gray, Jedidiah Hill, Jo Jorgensen, John McAfee, John Monds, Keenan Dunham, Ken Armstrong, Kenneth Blevins, Louis Vanacore, Mark Whitney, Phil Gray, Rhett Smith, Sam Robb, Sorinne Ardeleanu, Steve Richey and Vermin Supreme

Link to the May 2020 Michigan Libertarian

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