



Volume 45:09

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Gary Johnson to Speak at Detroit Economic Club


Two-Term New Mexico Governor and presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party, Gary Johnson is scheduled to speak at the Detroit Economic Club on September 14, 2016.

Johnson will present his economic perspective at 12:30 p.m, after a noon lunch at the Westin Book Cadillac, at this time, the event is open to DEC members and their guests only as a large turnout is expected.

As governor, Johnson cut taxes 14 times, balanced the state’s budget, and left New Mexico with a billion-dollar surplus. Although state spending increased substantially during his tenure, it was Democratic legislatures that led the surge in spending by overriding Johnson’s veto power on several occasions. Despite this, the rise in spending was one of the lowest in the nation due to over 700 vetos.

The CATO Institute gave the governor favorable fiscal grades, stating “Johnson’s staunch fiscal conservatism has been much needed, but also much resisted.” Johnson “reduced the number of state employees by nearly 10 percent, and he has set a state record for legislative vetoes.” Johnson’s VP candidate, governor Bill Weld of Massachusetts, was also highly rated.

Coming just twelve days before the first presidential debates, interest should be high as Johnson nears the 15% polling threshold for inclusion in the debates. Currently exceeding 10% in national average compiled data, Johnson polled at 11.5% in Michigan according to a Detroit News poll done in June.

Republican nominee Donald Trump presented his views to the DEC on August 8, while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has yet to appear.

Johnson’s appearance at the Detroit Economic Club could be at a crucial point in his campaign for the presidency, just seven weeks before the November election.


CONTACT: Bill Gelineau, Chairman
Libertarian Party of Michigan
888-Free-Now (888-373-3669)<>,
Event Link:[/vc_column_text][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]

State Representative Candidate 85th District – Candidate Press Release


by Roger Snyder

I will be on the State ballot on November 8th for the Libertarian Party for the State Representative seat for the 85th district in Michigan.

  1. The major candidates will have close to $200,000 for signs, t.v., investigators, lawyers, proof readers, and use people already in office to promote and support their candidates.
  2. Mayor Fredericks assisted in extending his own term another year so he looked like he had a job instead of an unemployed Mayor. City government rationalized the year extension by stating they could save $7000 a year by having all city officers elected on even years. The same result could have been done by adding a year on the election of November, 2015. Instead the council changed the rules of a previous election. That may have caused Fredericks to win the Republican primary.
  3. I entered a 1929 Buick in the Curwood Parade. Committee to elect Roger Snyder bought magnetic signs for the doors to advertise in the parade. Then I found out that only incumbent politicians can advertise in the parade. I Wonder who came up with that rule.
  4. Ben Fredericks was Mayor when all the nonsense requirements were put on Owosso homes in 2012. They dictated color, style, square feet of new homes, size of fences, types of bushes, how much area for storage was required and so many other items that made it unenforceable so they had to repealed it.
  5. The Landlord boondoggle of 2012 was the most anti property rights I have ever read. Forced entry into ones home against their will by a government official, unless in an emergency or with a warrant in search of an item. How can it be legal to fine the landlord $75. because a tenant has an unlicensed car in the driveway. How can a landlord be fined $220 because the trash collector didn’t pick up chair. How can the owner of property be fined for someone else’s violation especially if the landlord didn’t know about it.
  6. Owosso, Corunna, Durand and Shiawassee County have all put in place a revenue grab by drastically increasing the cost of permits, fines, fees and inspections. This is in direct conflict with the Headlee Amendment, that states the only way to increase taxes and revenue is by voter approval. This amendment is to be overseen by State Representatives. Who would you want to investigate these violation, myself or Mayor Fredericks that actually helped pass these violations?

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Nominations for Libbies


Nominations are being accepted for the “Libby” awards to be given out at the Liberty Fest in November.  The three categories are:

  • Spokesperson for Liberty Award: To a member of the community whose patriotism and conviction have inspired contributions to the cause of liberty.
  • Promoter of Liberty Award: To a libertarian whose efforts have done the most to promote the LP and Libertarian principles.
  • Producer of Liberty Award: To a dedicated, behind-the-scenes Libertarian whose quiet labors over the years exemplifies the backbone of the LP.

Please do what you can to promote nominations for the Liberty Fest Awards, and send nominations to Jeff Wood at, or respond to this email.

The LEC will appoint an impartial Libby award judges panel, and the deadline for submissions is October 15, 2016.

Past recipients can be found at:

Will Tyler White; Liberty Fest chair

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Building a Libertarian Future

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]George Phillies continued from the July Edition

A Monthly Step Toward Victory –
Understanding a Public Hearing

By now, we hope that you have made your way to your Town or City Hall and attended one or more meetings (Liberty for America, April 2009, page 2.) You may have seen a “Public Hearing” at one of these meetings.

A public hearing is a forum to provide an organized method to present information to the public and to receive from the public. There are likely several boards or commissions in your town or city that are chartered to hold public hearings. Topics may include a developer applying to build a shopping center, a restaurant applying for a license to serve alcoholic beverages, a homeowner who wants to put an addition on his house that leaves less than the minimum setback from the lot line, or a state highway department with plans to replace an old bridge.

Public hearings may be a meeting in and of itself or just one item on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of a board or commission.

Public notice of a public hearing is required some minimum number of days in advance. A notice in the “Legal Notices” section of the classifieds in a local newspaper may be what your town uses. Check with your Town Hall for the normal procedure. Note that county and state
government departments may have different methods. If you don’t live in a county seat or state capital city, you may not see such notices unless you go out of your way to find the notices. Smaller towns have fewer public hearings. A down economy also reduces the number of development projects, and hence hearings, everywhere.

Here is a general format for a public hearing. Expect variations with different boards and commissions and in different cities and states.

At the scheduled time, the hearing is declared to be open. Usually, the notice that was published in advance of the hearing is read by the chairperson. The petitioner is then called to present his project to the board. The board members may ask questions after the petitioner makes his
presentation. After board members finish their questions, the meeting is opened to the public for “questions of fact.” This is not for stating opinions of the project but to get clarification details of the project that may not have been clearly stated earlier or maybe details that were not mentioned at all. Then the meeting is open to the public to state whether they are in favor or opposed to the project. You may also give the board your suggestions, opinions or reasons for the board to consider when they decide the fate of the project. You may be limited to three minutes or so and asked not to restate something that someone else may have said although you may elaborate on a previous statement. The hearing may now be closed or continued. Once the hearing is closed, no further input may be considered by the board. If the petitioner is
asked to get more information, alter a plan or if the board wants to consult another department, the meeting will be “continued” to a specific date and time (this is your notice of when to return.)The board will have a time limit to act on the proposal but may act on it right away. If approved, the board may add a list of conditions that the petitioner must comply with when proceeding with their project. Occasionally, the list of conditions may increase the cost of the
project such that the petitioner decides not to even start the project (or they may sell the project along with the board’s approval and list of conditions.)

For your monthly step, attend a public hearing and observe the format that is used, how well the chairperson conducts the hearing and whether everyone attending had a reasonable opportunity to bring up issues or state their opinions. For meetings that are continued, attend the next part of the hearing. If you can, stay for or come back at the time designated for the board to act on the matter. Knowing how a public hearing works will be helpful in the event that some project that affects you, your home or in some other way comes up in your future.

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Letter from the Chair


Michigan Libertarian Activists:

We’re now at a critical time for the Libertarian movement in Michigan.The efforts we make over the next 8 weeks may well determine the course of liberty in our state for many years to come.So, now is the time to commit your time, energy, money, and passion to our effort.This is, without question, a once-in-a-generation opportunity that we should not squander.

As you know, Gary Johnson is appearing this Wednesday, September 14th at the Detroit Economic Club luncheon.This invitation is yet another recognition of the serious consideration being given Johnson/Weld and the Libertarian Party for the first time ever.And it creates HUGE opportunities for the LPM to step forward.

Below is language found on the Johnson/Weld website I hope each of you will follow the link and sign the petition.  Being included in the debates would be a watershed event that can’t be underestimated.  Even if that does not happen initially, we need to be vigilant in efforts.    We need to focus on getting signs in the ground, bumper stickers on our cars (and our friends) and helping in any way we can.

Our goal of achieving major party status rests with helping the Johnson/Weld team in Michigan.  Politics is by its nature a team sport.  We are fortunate to have a quarterback like Gary Johnson to step onto the field for us.    Let’s show the rest of the country the skill, enthusiasm, effort, and drive that will bring us to our goals.

The list of people that have already made tremendous efforts on our behalf is too long for this column.    So, here is a short list you know who you are.    Kim, Jason, Lisa, Emily, Becky, Bill, Kevin, Ken, Diane, Will, Bob, Erwin, Andrew, J.J., Greg, Scotty, Sheryl, Andy, Jim, Mary, Al, Landrum, Meghan, Logan, Terry, Joe, Bill, Tommy (Jr.), Martin, Jay, Bobby, Rob, Tyler, Chris, Michael, Beatrice, David, Lorence, Nancy, Diana, Kathleen, Tim, Leonard, Sallie Jo, Pete,  Chris, Michelle, Linda, Stephanie, William “the cool one”, John, Christie, Jim, Larry (even from Kentucky), Susan, Janis, Jeff, Jason (Mr. Muskegon), Zach, Jon & Emily, Gregory, Loel, Arnie, Patty, Josh, Tiffany, Elizabeth, Matt, Art, Mark, Larry, Melissa, Steve (even if he is from Canada), Dave, Ginger, Lisa, Chad, and Gordon.

This is just a few off the top of my head that have worked hard for our team this year.Some are brand new and brought us new ideas and energy.  Others have worked hard for years – giving their time, their money, and part of their lives in pursuit of our goals.  Membership is up 40% since the first of the year.  And there are so many that aren’t here to see this opportunity for those of us who know some of the pioneers of the ideas and ideals of liberty.  We must find the time make the effort and make the most of this unique opportunity.  To all the naysayers:  I say, step aside folks!  We have work to do.

Join me for the fun, the fellowship, and the joy of the fight in the weeks to come. Ask yourself:  If we’re only a few votes short of our goal – did you ride with the tide of liberty?  Or standwhile the surf passed you by?

Now, friends and patriots!  Now you must call upon yourself and others to rise to this occasion.  If someone supports Gary for liberty, that is wonderful.  If someone supports Gary because they don’t like someone, we’ll take it.  If someone supports Gary because it helps democracy, they all count. Like Mickey Redmond (legendary player and announcer for the Red Wings) says, “nobody says ‘how’, just ‘how many'”.Mark it down and let’s work to get there.154,040.

Bill Gelineau
State Chairman
Libertarian Party of Michigan

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Third Party Support for Michigan Pride


PRESS RELEASE – for immediate issue- August 25, 2016

Members of the Michigan Libertarian Party plan on attending the annual Michigan Pride event this weekend to show their support and reach out to those in the community who feel neglected by both major party presidential candidates this year. Unlike the two major parties, the Libertarian Party has supported LGBT rights since its founding in 1971.

Along with equal rights for the LGBT community, the freedom to marry the person of your choice has been supported by libertarians for decades. Their position is that the government has no legal or moral authority to decide who qualifies as your legal partner. This extends to any other spousal benefits conferred by the state, such as health insurance, family visitation and the right to adopt children.

A core value Libertarians hold is the right to live your life as you choose, as long as that does not interfere with the rights of others. We learned these things in kindergarten; don’t start fights or take other peoples’ stuff. These important basic principles of nonaggression are included in the Libertarian Party platform.

The Michigan Libertarian Party salutes the nonprofit Michigan Pride for its long term commitment to civil rights for everyone regardless of gender. Despite the perception of unique individual differences, in the end we are all Homo Sapiens.


Bill Gelineau, Chair
Libertarian Party of Michigan

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