Trump's Threat: Donald J. Trump United States of America President.

LPWC Condemns Trump’s Threat to Use Military Against USA

Link to the July 2020 Michigan Libertarian

Wayne County, MI – The Libertarian Party of Wayne County passed a resolution condemning President Donald Trump’s threat to turn the United States military against the American people on American soil.  This took place at their regular business meeting on Wednesday June 10th 2020.

Trump made the threat on June 1st, while attempting to strong-arm governors into suppressing protests against police brutality and racism.

The agreed upon language read as follows.

Resolution Against Trump’s Threat

We the Libertarian Party of Wayne County oppose the use of the United States Military against Americans on American soil, and condemn President Donald Trump’s threat to do so.  Furthermore, we believe he has set a dangerous precedent by using this threat to extort governors into using more draconian policies against residents of their states.  This is not only a threat to the life and liberties of individuals in these united states of America, but is an usurpation of state powers by the less accountable Federal government.

Because some former libertarians have publicly supported Donald Trump and his abuses of power, we must clearly state that Donald Trump is not a libertarian, nor is any other person who advocates the use of the United States Military against the American people.  As a Libertarian Party affiliate, we don’t endorse any candidate who supports such policy and urge all other Libertarian Party organizations to withhold such an endorsement.

Link to the July 2020 Michigan Libertarian

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