My fellow LPMI members,
It is my unhappy duty to report that, over the weekend, I became aware of the recent passing of our own Norm Peterson (5/27/1949-12/12/2024). I imagine few in the Party have not met, talked to, or otherwise crossed paths with Norm over the years, as he remained an active member as long as his health allowed. This includes the duration of my time in the Party these past five years, at the beginning of which Norm served as LPMI’s Treasurer. Until his passing, he remained Chair of the Jackson-Hillsdale affiliate and District 5 Representative on the LEC. Norm always maintained a courteous and respectful demeanor in matters of Party business, even when disagreements arose, and I, for one, have only positive memories of the short few years I have known him. I wish his family well in this difficult time, and I think I speak for the entirety of LPMI in saying that he will be sorely missed, and always remembered. Rest in peace, Norm.
In Liberty,
Daniel Ziemba, Secretary, Libertarian Party of Michigan
PS: Norm’s obituary may be found at the link below; I encourage all members to read through it to appreciate the breadth of his knowledge and accomplishments beyond his significant role in LPMI.