By Scotty Boman
Link to April 2019 Michigan Libertarian
Libertarians don’t need to wait for an election to speak freedom to power. This much was clear in March when members of the general public and media witnessed Libertarians in action.
Libertarians hold “Yellow Vest” protests against the Gas Tax in Macomb County and Lansing
Macomb County and Lansing, MI – On March 24th The Capital Area Libertarians organized a gathering at the State Capitol the Macomb County affiliate organized one on Hall Rd. in Macomb County. Both groups did this to protest the proposed gas tax increase.

Capital Area Libertarians Arrested and Banned From Public Transit for Helping Homeless
By Scotty Boman
Lansing, MI – On January 26th Julia Anne Miller and Martin Mashon were arrested and charged with both trespassing and resisting arrest for handing out bus tokens to homeless people in the midst of the polar vortex. The Lansing State Journal and WILX covered the story. They received sentence in early March.
Martin Mashon of the posted the following comment on the penalty on his Facebook timeline:
Julia Anne Miller and I have officially been BANNED from CATA – Capital Area Transportation Authority. Received the paperwork today. The reason given was “unsafe behavior” and “annoying others”. No joke. We were there reaching out to homeless and at risk and witnessed a cop and security talking about putting people into the dangerous cold, but they are stating that WE were engaging in unsafe behavior. The only people we “annoyed” was the cop and security by pleading for them to have compassion. More blatant uncompassionate behavior from CATA.
I have a training next month that will require me to be at my office for 2 weeks straight… I don’t have a vehicle. This essentially wipes that out.
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Libertarian Party of Oakland County Officers!
By Greg Stempfle

Left to Right: Tim Yow, Benn Carr, Jeff Pittel, Greg Stempfle, Jim Joung, and Jay Nepo.
New officers:
Chair – Conner Jay Nepo
Vice-Chair – Ben Carr
Secretary – Jim Young
Treasurer – Dianne Szabla
Membership Director – Jeff Pittel
Development Director – Gregory Stempfle
Communications Director – Tim Yow Jr.
Special thanks to Conner Jay Nepo and Brian Ellison for both stepping forward to run for LPOC chair so that I might seek the position of state party chair. I also want to thank outgoing officers Lisa Lane Gioia and Matt Karshis for their dedication to the cause of liberty over the past campaign season. I look forward to working with everyone again during the upcoming exciting presidential campaign!
Boman works on two fronts to keep DPD powers in check
Detroit, MI – On March 14th Scotty Boman of Detroit Residents Advancing Civilian Oversight (DRACO) teamed up with Marilyn Jordan of Detroit People’s Task Force to protest a Detroit police Corporal’s mistreatment of an emergency room patient. The Corporal, Dewayne Jones succeeded in having a felony misconduct dropped, but was on trial for the remaining misdemeanor assault and battery charge. They found him guilty and will sentence him in May.
The Detroit News Article, which includes a picture of Boman and Jordan is shown here.
Boman has also been part of Detroit’s Charter Revision Process and is facilitating a Citizens Focus Group regarding the type of civilian oversight the charter will mandate over the Detroit Police Department.