Get your article in the Headlines before newsletter publication.

Get Your Articles Posted Early And Often

Link to the June Michigan Libertarian

By Scotty Boman, Editor

If you are wondering if it is too early or too late to post an article in the Michigan Libertarian, the answer is “no.”  The deadline for submitting articles to be in the subsequent month’s issue is the twentieth of the month.  That issue, however, is a compilation of articles that can be posted to the website at any time leading up to publication. An email blast goes out to the membership on the first of the month, containing a link to the newsletter, compiled summaries of each article, and a link to each post.

A Day Late Is A Month Early

In other words, the sooner you submit an article, the sooner it will be posted on the website. Posts are convenient to share on social media, especially on Twitter and Facebook, so you can publicize them well ahead of the email blast. If you miss the deadline for one issue, consider your article an early submission for the next issue.

For example, let’s say your article arrives on June 21st.  Then you missed the deadline to have your article included in the July 1st email blast and the July issue of the Michigan Libertarian.  However, you will have submitted the article in plenty of time for the August Michigan Libertarian and the August 1st email blast.  Furthermore, your article would be posted to the website in early July, where it would remain for the foreseeable future.

Some Articles Are Time Sensitive

Sometimes a month early is still too late.  If the above example was an article in which you were seeking volunteers for an event in July or early August, for instance, then missing the deadline would be a problem.  It could still be viewed on, and shared from, the website, but would not reach  as many people as it would have reached if it were submitted on time.

Event announcements not only need to be on time to be included in the Michigan Libertarian newsletter, but should be submitted as soon as possible so they can be listed on the event calendar.  The process of updating the calendar takes time, and updates may not show up on the day the administrator makes the change.

If there is uncertainty about an event, it is critical to include a readily accessible contact. Phone numbers are preferred because you can be reached immediately (like when an interested new person shows up for a meeting and nobody is there).  Email addresses also help.  Don’t assume everyone knows everything you post on Facebook.  People don’t always know where to look, and some people have chosen to boycott that network.

As usual,  submit articles to, and , and pay careful attention to the guidelines.

Link to the June Michigan Libertarian

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