Bill Gelineau and Angelique Chaiser Thomas appear on the WOOD TV program, "To The Point."

Gelineau and Thomas Begin Campaign

Link to October 2018 Michigan Libertarian

Following the August 25 Libertarian Party of Michigan Convention, Governor and Lieutenant Governor candidates Bill Gelineau and Angelique Chaiser Thomas wasted no time hitting the campaign trail.

On Thursday, August 30 they traveled to Grand Rapids for interviews with several media outlets.  These included a taping of To the Point at WOOD TV 8 (a CBS affilliate) with political reporter Rick Albin, broadcast on Sunday, September 2.  They also visited Fox TV 17, where they were reported as saying Michigan voters are ‘ready for real solutions.’  Also they were interviewed by WZZM TV 13 (an ABC affiliate), and WOOD News Radio.

They finished their Grand Rapids tour with a pop up reception attended by many of the party faithful at Abacus Title Agency.

Traveling Around The State

Detroit, MI – Top of ticket candidates Bill Gelineau and Angelique Thomas continue their state wide campaign with multiple visits to Southeast Michigan.

Bill Gelineau and Angelique Thomas Dallying in Detroit.
Bill Gelineau and Angelique Thomas Dallying in Detroit.

This included spending several hours at Dally in the Alley based in Detroit’s Midtown (BKA The Cass Corridor).  Both candidates interacted with an enthusiastic crowd.

Bill also had some fun at the Allegan County Fair.  This included riding the Libertarian Party of West Michigan Float around.

Bill Gelineau rode the LPWM float around at the Allegan Fair with Mary Buzuma folowing on foot.  Photo by Arnis Davidsons.
Bill Gelineau rode the LPWM float around at the Allegan Fair with Mary Buzuma folowing on foot. Photo by Arnis Davidsons.

Link to October 2018 Michigan Libertarian

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