Happy Hour for Candidtates: Artistic Rendition.

Candidate Happy Hour

by Trevor Step

January 18 marked the first of the Libertarian Party of Michigan’s (LPMI’s) new monthly candidate support event (Happy Hour). It took place on zoom. The broad goals were for past, present and future candidates to share their successes, failures, and future plans. A wide range of campaigning experiences were represented. One of the party’s greatest resources is our candidates’ experience which is quite extensive. I was pleasantly surprised with the thoughtfulness of the questions which led to many collaborative discussions of solutions.

At the end of the 90-minute session there was consensus on several campaign strategies which can bring candidates further success:

  • Lead your campaigns with topics that are likely to get agreement quickly and, as you build trust, share the more nuanced and complex topics.
  • Keep your campaign platform focused on four or less key topics.
  • More likely to be successful at the local level.
  • Get a professional headshot.
  • Signs in a trusted member of the community’s yard are the most effective.
  • Get creative!
  • Be strategic about what office you run for.

Areas for improvement of support from the LPMI include:

  • More volunteers
  • Press releases
  • Assistance focusing resources
  • Fundraising assistance
  • Access to voter data
  • Access to canvassing software

The candidate series will continue in February with a more focused topic. As noted above, one of our takeaways was that our candidates could use more data to make better decisions on how to spend their limited resources. This is especially true when canvassing. Our discussion topic for February is canvassing and resources available to effectively focus our efforts.

Next Event

Join us on Zoom Thursday February 22 at 7pm (ET) to learn more, and feel free to send any campaign questions to vcpoliticaldirector@michiganlp.org.

Libertarian Party Of Michigan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LPMI February Candidate Hour
Time: Feb 22, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84700514758
Meeting ID: 847 0051 4758
One tap mobile: +13092053325,,84700514758# US

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