MI LP 2013 Convention

2013 State Convention

2013 Convention Report
Liberty Moving Forward—Splendid Event
by Mary Buzuma

LECAssembly in Grand Rapids at the Hilton Grand Rapids Airport on Saturday June 15, 2013. Scott Haggerstrom, Director of Americans for Prosperity Michigan addressed us on “Michigan Right to Work.” Changes to the LPM Platform and Bylaws were made. New officers were elected: Mary Buzuma, Chair; Steve Mace, Vice Chair; Jim Fulner, Secretary; Kim Moore, Treasurer. Five Directors At Large were elected: Chris Sharer, Tim Keirnan, Denee Rockman-Moon, Brad Wheelock, and Scotty Boman.


Three Judicial Committee Members were elected: Emily Salvette, Bill Gelineau, and Bill Hall. Resolutions were passed which included a tribute to David C. Irons, a steadfast member of the LPM who passed away this year. Lunch, Cocktails and Banquet, Christie Diaz, “Mommynomics” was the banquet speaker. Food and drink service was outstanding.

JudicialOn a beautiful day in West Michigan approximately 55 Michigan Libertarians gathered under the benevolent gaze of Lady Liberty in Grand Rapids. Although not a nominating convention, what was lacking in numbers was more than made up for in enthusiasm. New LEC members are shown front left to right Steve Mace, Brad Wheelock, Tim Kiernan, Jim Fulner. Back l to r Scotty Boman, Chris Sharer, Denee Rockman-Moon, Kim Moore.

New Judicial Committee members l to r: Bill Gelineau, Emily Salvette, Bill Hall

On Friday night, conference attendees and others were treated to a special advance viewing of the Libertarian movie “Alongside Night.” The movie was well-received, and author J Neil Schulman as well as producer/financier Pat Heller (Liberty Coin Service) led a Q & A discussion after the movie. Many thanks to Brian Wright for organizing this event.

PlatformSharer_FulnerScott Haggerstrom of Americans for Prosperity was the Saturday morning speaker. He talked about the organization and is goals. His address focused on the controversial Michigan Right-to-Work law. A brief Q&A session followed.

Then it was time for the eagerly anticipated bylaws and platform amendments. Many thanks to Chris Sharer and the Platform committee; Jim Fulner and the Bylaws Committee; and Bill Gelineau (cat-herder in charge) for holding it all together as these things can be a little chaotic at times. The amended bylaws and platform can be found on the website at michiganlp.org.

VerduinDuring officer elections Will White, Legislative Committee, provided a report on the “goings on” in Lansing. His report was divided into the “Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” The “Ugly” iterating the need for a part time Legislature. Please note: Will is currently a committee of one. Political junkies, Poli Sci students, etc. contact the LEC or Will at whitewi5@msu.edu.

After the day’s business was over it was time to relax and unwind at the cocktail party and banquet. Bill Gelineau presented the “Guardian of Liberty” award to Vern Verduin on behalf of the West Michigan Libertarians. Mr. Verduin, a local farmer successfully fought “city hall” when they tried to prohibit a political message sign on his truck at his farm this past year.

ChristieThe banquet speaker, Christie Diaz gave a tremendous presentation that brought the crowd to their feet. According to Brian Wright she “presented an absolutely delightful unraveling of the absurd statist forces that interfere with personal fulfillment of unique individuals such as ourselves.”

Kudos and credits to those (who haven’t been mentioned) for making this year’s convention fun and successful: Sulema Kiekintveld and the staff of the Hilton Grand Rapids Airport, Arnis Davidsons and crew for getting “The Lady” to the convention, Andrew Hall for volunteering to do credentials for yet another year, Registration Crew (Kipp Welch, Arnis Davidsons and Kim Horton), Emily Salvette and the ballot counters, and especially to Denee Rockman-Moon for her outstanding leadership as LPM Chair and at the convention.

Resolutions Approved

Resolution:  Grand Juries

We support grand juries investigating and indicting, ‘willful misconduct in office by public officers.’

Resolution: United States Federal Government, Status of Authority

Since the attacks of 9/11 and the illegal wars of aggression by the United States federal government (USG) in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere; the Patriot Act; the practice of torture and rendition, mass imprisonments without trial or notice; summary executions by the US president, intentional killings of civilians thru US military drone strikes, and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) provisions for indefinite detentions without trial; prosecutions and incarcerations of whistle blowers who expose government torture and atrocities, the coordinated national police-state crackdown on protest (esp. the Occupy Movement), and escalation of violence against the people via the Travel Security Administration (TSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); the recent buildup by National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct 24/7 surveillance and universal record keeping on all civilians, federal black operations (black ops) upon the people via (probable and provable) staged massacres of Americans in further  pursuance of an absolute police-military juggernaut, and resultant federal plans to confiscate guns; and routine Cartel machinations such as exempting Monsanto and other biotech firms from the rule of law, conduct of geoengineering and weather modification programs for profit and warmaking, the neverending atrocity known as the War on Drugs, and thru secret programs exposing billions of people worldwide to unconscionable environmental and biological toxins—not to mention Obamacare, the UN’s Agenda 21, and Common Core educational edicts; the bailouts and giveaways to insider financial powers, expansion of the traditional welfare state, and debauchery of the currency via the central banks; and, finally, creation of an artificial burden of unfathomable debt, expropriation and suppression of individual wealth and production, and a host of other grossly unconstitutional acts—it has become clear the current USG has become nothing less than a psychotically vicious and illegal criminal enterprise.

Accordingly, we the undersigned, no longer recognize this incarnation of the USG as valid or legitimate, we withdraw moral sanction and (to the extent each individual considers prudent) material support—until such time, as a minimum, all of the above unconstitutional acts of aggression are ended and remedied. Nor shall we the undersigned be sitting still waiting for compliance; we shall pursue all effective strategies that restore libertarian self-government to individuals within their states and communities, and nullify all federal breaches of authority—as stated clearly in the Tenth Amendment, “if it ain’t in here, the USG don’t got it.” To those in the current USG: You’d better get cracking… otherwise your time is up.

Resolution in Respect of David Irons David Irons

A steadfast member of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, David C. Irons passed away at his home on May 25, 2013 of a heart attack. He spent most of his life in the Lansing area and was a welcome presence at the meetings of the Capital Area Libertarian Party. His intellectual curiosity and probing mind brought many hours of thoughtful conversation to the discussions.

An independent streak flowed throughout his life and led him to become a building inspector, vending machine operator, carpenter and overall Jack-of-all trades. Despite the demands of his family life and career, David was able to juggle his responsibilities well enough to enable him to run as a candidate for public office in several elections. His friendly, well-spoken demeanor allowed him to present the libertarian viewpoint in a way that opened the eyes of others to his message.

The energy, insightfulness and sense of humor David contributed to the Libertarian Party will be missed.  Our sincere condolences and thoughts of cherished memories go out to his wife Nancy, his son Anthony and their extended family.


Capital Area Libertarian Party
Box 27065
Lansing MI 48909-7065


The following shows the promotional page for LPM Convention 2013:

LPM Convention 2013
Liberty Moving Forward

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hilton Grand Rapids Airport
4747 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan
(616) 957-0100

Discounted Room Rates
$89 per night for Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15
until May 24, 2013
… or call the hotel and tell them you are attending the convention.

For more info and to provide much appreciated help, please contact convention organizer Mary Buzuma, mary.buzuma@att.net.

Extra Special Friday Night (6/14) Event before the Convention!
Advance Showing of Libertarian Film Alongside Night!

Thanks to Pat Heller proprietor of Liberty Coin Service who financed the production, famed libertarian author J. Neil Schulman’s Prometheus Award-winning book, Alongside Night (1979)—about the loss and restoration of liberty in a society such as ours—has been made into a movie starring Kevin Sorbo (of Hercules fame), Jake Busey, Christian Kramme, and Reid Cox. Mr. Schulman is flying into Grand Rapids specifically to advance-premier his timely movie for guests of the LPM… then traveling around the country to libertarian events this year for further promotion leading to entry into Cannes, to the Anthem Film festival of Freedom Fest, and probable distribution (via the same company handling Atlas Shrugged) to other well-known independent film festivals (e.g. Sundance). [Here is a short early trailer for the movie.]

Alongside Night will have just completed production on May 15th, thus the LPM is near the beginning of the list of sneak preview sites; this is a great honor and a great opportunity for libertarians and Libertarians in Michigan. You definitely want to be able to say you were here for the pre-maiden voyage of Alongside Night. With the author! This is a FREE EVENT. However,  promotional items and other movie-related paraphernalia will be available… including book signing by the author, special Liberty coins made for the movie, auctioning of the sound system and Blu-Ray equipment for the party, and so on.

The Alongside Night movie Facebook page is located here (https://www.facebook.com/alongsidenightmovie?fref=ts).  The screening will occur on Friday, June 14, in the Michigan Ballroom of the Hilton Grand Rapids Airport hotel, with the author introduction of the film starting at 7:00 EST.

Please visit the Alongside Night LPM preview-showing Event page on Facebook here and indicate whether you will be joining us for this once in a lifetime gala experience.


Here’s your chance to learn about the party and get involved.
Informative breakout sessions and guest speakers.
Register online or mail completed hard copy registration form.

Register early and save (Early registration extended thru June 10):

Registration Type Thru June 10 June 11 and after
Convention+Lunch+Banquet $55 $70
Convention+Lunch $30 $45
Convention Only (No Meals) $20 $35
Banquet Only $30 $45

Contact Mary Buzuma – mary.buzuma@att.net for questions.

Schedule, Saturday 6/15/13
Registration: 8:00 a.m.
Business Session 1: 9:00 – 12:00 p.m., Wolverine AB
—Call to order
—Officer and director reports
—Scott Haggerstrom, Americans for Prosperity
—Western Michigan University Libertarians
—Affiliate reports
Lunch buffet: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Business Session 2: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Wolverine AB
—Platform committee report
—Bylaws committee report
—State party elections
——Chair/vice-chair, secretary, treasurer
——LEC: five at-large positions
——Judicial committee, three members
—New LEC Meeting, 4:00 – 5:00: Newly elected and former members, Salon D
Reception and banquet, 5:00 – 9:00, Salon AB
Happy hour: 5:00
Banquet starts: 6:00 – 6:30
Speaker: Christie Diaz, 7:30 p.m.

Main Business of Convention

The 2013 convention is a business convention. No general election candidates will be nominated, but important issues will be addressed in bylaws and in the party platform… as well as electing a new set of officers and the executive committee. Important discussions and decisions about the direction of the party are also anticipated.


The banquet will be buffet style, with vegetarian option available. Please specify when you register so we may obtain a count.

Banquet Speaker: Christie Diaz
Founder and President of Mommynomics

If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, parent or all of the above, come be inspired, motivated, and driven by: Christie Diaz is a great example of how young female entrepreneurs, business owners, mothers, all of which Christie is; are not only getting involved but also encouraging others to get involved in the call for Liberty and Freedom in America as well. Check out her challenging and eye-opening Facebook videos here: https://www.facebook.com/mommynomics

Christie is a one-woman liberty dynamo, just now breaking thru to national (and international) recognition in the liberty movement…

Christie Diaz. Not to be missed!
Come charge your batteries, then go forth and ‘charge it forward!’

Online registration: Go to this PayPal site to register and pay online.

[You may register and pay for the event through the above payments page, as well as make a donation or pledge to the LPM. Note: for donations (not including payment for Libertyfest) over $100, please contact our treasurer for supplying other information required by the elections law.]

Please visit our 2013 LPM Convention Event page on Facebook here and indicate whether you will be joining us for a benchmark move into the future.

Mail-in registration form: https://www.michiganlp.org/Webpages_Aux/2013/2013 Convention Registration Form.pdf

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