2011 State Convention

April 30, 2011 State Convention Midland, Michigan

Valley Plaza Resort. 5221 Bay City Rd, Midland, MI 48642

2011 State Convention

Bring a Friend to the Party
Agenda: https://www.michiganlp.org/Webpages_Aux/ConventionAgenda2011.pdf

Valley Plaza Resort in Midland

With the continued growth of interest in the values of Libertarians, this year’s convention was a great opportunity for new members and others to learn more and get engaged in the activist opportunities of the LPM. Unlike nominating conventions, the off-year gathering presented a great opportunity to both learn and contribute to the plans and activities that drive the freedom message. Plans included several breakout sessions:

Libertarianism 101-a great chance for new members and others to discuss the presentation of liberty-focused ideas.

The Active Campaign-Nuts and Bolts for taking your candidacy to the next level In addition to several interesting speakers, there were opportunities to meet and engage leadership, hear both statewide and affiliate activities, and offer ideas of your own about our movement.

The evening banquet was a great time for all. Alongside the LPM convention, this venue offered a wide range of conveniences. Bill Gelineau did a great job with the Convention Committee.

Reprinted from Michigan Libertarian
May 2011, Volume 40: No. 05
LPM Convention–April 30, 2011
Prelim Report by Webmaster, Brian Wright
Reprinted from Michigan Libertarian
May 2011, Volume 40: No. 05
Convention 2011—”Bring a Friend to the Party”
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Valley Plaza Resort, Midland

Assembly in Midland at the Valley Plaza Resort. Michael LaFaive of the prestigious Mackinac Center welcomed us. Platform committee, Bylaws committee, officers: James Lewis, Chair; Todd Richardson, Vice Chair; Mary Buzuma, Secretary; Denee Rockman-Moon, Treasurer. Followed by resolutions, breakout work for membership growth, and meeting of the new LEC. Lunch, Cocktails and Banquet, Michael Komorn of MMMA. [Food and drink service outstanding. Kudos to Bill Gelineau for organizing.]
It was a bright and clear day in mid-Michgan as approximately 50 LPMers converged on the Valley Plaza. All is vintage in libertarian land as evidenced by this auto billboard in the parking lot.
New LEC (field of eight):

    • Andrew Hall
    • Jay Longtain
    • Pam Sanderson
    • Tim Kiernan
    • Larry Johnson

New Judicial Committee (field of seven):

      • Will White
      • Bill Gelineau
      • Daniel Grow

What was perhaps lacking in numbers was more than made up for by enthusiasm and the obvious willingness of people to step up and apply complementary skills. It really is impressive the variety of aptitudes all willing to work for a common objective: to build a flourishing Libertarian Party for today and tomorrow. More youth, and the enthusiasm is contagious.

Having covered a few of these, regardless of one’s views of party mission, one readily accepts that these are good people doing good things. There’s a familiarity with the platform debates and Robert’s Rules, then the simple humor afforded by unique personalities expressing their sentiments… and reasons. The party is as healthy as I’ve seen it—from the perspective of universal cooperation and benevolence, also with more youthful participation at leadership levels—and you can see the prospect of real growth. Many workers, no complainers, some stars, some budding superstars. If we were a pro football team we’d be a contender… assuming no lockout applied to the voters’ awareness.

The speaker at the banquet, Michael Komorn of Michigan Medical Marijuana Association, was simply wonderful, recounting horror story after horror story of the current Michigan regime blatantly ignoring the law and terrorizing civilians with relentless police-state attacks on marijuana patients: men, women, and children. New chairman James Lewis made a passionate statement to the effect that “it can happen here,” just as lawless Nazi stormtroopers tyrannized the populations of Germany on the way to the death camps. It will happen here if ‘good men do nothing.’ A rally for the Medical Marijuana Act and constitutional liberty will be held in Lansing on May 5. The people must take back our state and our country back from all the Republocrat thugs du jour.

Watch for more news to come this week on the LPM website at www.mi.lp.org.

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